We haven’t fallen off the face of the earth. We just don’t seem to feel the need to write about the latest pot luck dinner, or our daily 3-mile walking videos down at the clubhouse, or our Friday dinner evenings out with the crowd from the Park (if you can call meeting at a restaurant at 4PM dinner), or Gary’s exploits at the driving range, or our bicycle rides about the Park, or the afternoon “tea times”, etc.
After a long season of traveling it is nice to kick back and enjoy the weather. But wait, February’s weather has been less than spectacular. Stop sending those Artic blasts dipping down into Florida. One night we may actually have dipped below freezing here. And each new wave of cold sets the humid air here off into rain showers. We know we will not receive any sympathy though from those of you in the North who are experiencing below zero temperatures with ferocious wind chills. Just keep them to yourselves, OK?
So we wrote last month that we were doing a lot of looking and that changes could be coming. Well we have continued looking and talking and thinking and we haven’t decided much of anything other than to put our present rig for sale. Here is the link for the Craigslist version of our offering: https://spacecoast.craigslist.org/rvs/4905886657.html

It just seems like it is time to let her go. So if you know of anyone who needs a rig and a trip to Florida, send them our way.
What will we do?
Will we buy another motor home and toad? We don’t know.
Will we buy a place in Florida? We don’t know.
Will we adopt another of our many alternatives? We don’t know.
Will we move to Hawaii? Now that sounds pretty good. But we don’t know.
Perhaps selling the rig will force us into a decision and that is pretty well a given.
Changes may be coming……..or not.