Sunday, April 19, 2015

Temporary BooneDocks

For the past 3 1/2 years, every location for the BooneDocks has been a temporary one, but now we are in a longer-term temporary state until we figure out just what it is that we are going to do next.  When we sold the motor home, we decided that the most expedient thing to do would be to rent within the RV park where we already were located.  We have rented a “park model”.  Technically, a park model is an RV so we guess you could say that we still are full-time RVers.  In order to qualify as an RV rather than a mobile home, a park model has to have less than 400 sq ft of living space space and has to travel as a trailer to its home destination.  Once there, they simply detach the tires, wheels, suspension, and A frame/hitch and the “RV” is pretty much going to stay at that location ongoing.  Apparently there are tax and other advantages to a park model being classified an RV.

With that background, let’s get on with the show.  Here is what our park model looks like including its attached car port.  Note that I already have put out some flower pots.


In front of the car is a nice sized screen room with access to the back entrance of the house.


Inside, there really isn’t much more space than in the motor home and a lot less storage so we also rented a small storage locker.  Note that the living room is resplendent with kitty.  Alley cat is adjusting well and has laid claim to the screen room as her own house.





And as we are still in an “RV” and you know the saying, “home is where we park it”, we had to post our sign at the front entrance to our temporary home.



We can rent this place through the end of the year, so we have about that much time to figure out what is next for us and make it happen.

Saturday, April 11, 2015


After the scam dance with the first person who we thought was going to buy our motorhome, we relisted it and again received a number of interested inquiries from just a Craigslist ad.  One couple from here in Florida contacted us the day after it was listed and two days after that were here to view and inspect it.  On their way back home they called to declare they wanted it.  This past Tuesday, the funds were wired to our account and they came to drive it away.  There she goes off into the sunset – our last glimpse of the motor home that has been ours for the past five years and our one and only home for the last three and a half years.


Cleaning it out was far more work than we had envisioned.  We thought we might be able to get it all done in a day.  In reality, it took us the better part of three days.


Below is a shot of the couple who purchased “Number One” and the last picture of her on our rented RV site in Titusville.


So, what are we doing?  Are we on that beach in Hawaii?  Has Gary joined the World Poker Tour?  Are we buying another RV?  Good questions.