Thursday, June 20, 2013

Mt Rushmore (And The Fifth Face)

100_6636Although there are many attractions in the Black Hills, the number one has to be Mt Rushmore.  It draws about 3 million visitors a year.  The sculpture carved into granite rock of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln was started in 1927 and was completed in 1941. Each of the heads is about 60 feet high.  The sculpture originally was conceived as a local project to draw tourists to the region but then the federal government appropriated the money for its construction and it is a National Monument.

There has been a lot of discussion about whether another “face” should be carved into the mountain.  Some have suggested Ronald Reagan.  Others have suggested Franklin Roosevelt.  And numerous other suggestions have been made.  Well, I have the facts in pictures.  In the first picture below, the sculptors are studying the head that they will add to the mountain.  And in the second photo is the finished product.  (With today’s super duper lasers they can carve these things in no time.)


1 comment:

  1. On the other hand, we thought Crazy Horse was a complete touristy rip-off, and wish we hadn't paid to see it.
    And Gary, you look great up there. You fit right in :)
